Online Strategy for Shopping Centre Websites
Shopping centre websites pose some very specific design challenges. While most businesses are either trying to push sales online in order to cut costs, or simply responding to the general trend to online shopping, shopping centres are the opposite and need to persuade their website visitors to get off the web and into the shops.
Shopping centres will also act to support and market their tenants and the website is one of the key tools to help them do that. With this in mind we have a four-point strategy to increase shop visits.
In-store promotions
Customers are accustomed to seeing deals and offers at the top of online shops. The same tactic can be used to create interest in store products, providing a concrete reason to visit.
Social Focus
This is key to the real-world shopping experience. We keep the visuals firmly on people, interactions, food and drink in order to emphasise everything that makes a trip to the shops more than just shopping.
Product showcases
Top picks, outfits, combos. Our shopping centre websites come preconfigured with an easy-to-manage recommendations section.
Event Promos
Events are a tried and tested way to bring in shoppers. We ensure that your events are easy to manage and promote on the website. We can also add registration, either as part of the website, or by integrating Eventbrite or similar.

Need your shopping centre website to do more for you?
Get in touch and we can chat about where you are now and where you want to get to. You can book a consultation right now.